Summary of Reed Bed Effluent Treatment Systems Designed by our Award Winning Wetland Engineers

Projects Date of Commission Type of Effluent Area Load Notes
SWMCOL Landfill Leachate – Trinidad 2016-2019 Leachate pilot project Mobile Pilot – 65m2 Extreme landfill leachate loadings Very successful pilot with over 95% of treatment objective achieved
Salmonier Nature Park 2015 Commercial Sewage 3,800 m2 Typical Loading of Park Facilities Peak loading during high visitation, then almost dormant during other periods
Bishop’s Fall, NL, Canada 2015 Municipal Sewage, town of 4,500 PE 24,600 m2 Sewage with large  Stormwater fluctuations, 4,300 m3/day System is currently going through the final commissioning stage
Deer Lake Airport 2013 Commercial Sewage 2,200 m2 Sewage from Airport Replacement of failing leach fields
Landfill Leachate Facility, Norris Arm, NL, Canada 2011 Leachate treatment, specifically ammonia reduction 4,000 m2 Reduction of Leachate contamination levels specifically Ammonia Wastewater is fed to a vertical-flow engineered wetland bed to provide primary treatment.
Sludge Treatment 2010 Septic Sludge Cells 2,400 m2 Municipal septic sludge Mineralizes and composts sludge with effluent treated to CBOD <10mg/l
Stephenville, NL, Canada 2010 Municipal Sewage, town of8,000 PE 20,000 m2 Removal of BOD, Suspended solids, 4,500 m3/day BOD: 78mg/L reduced to 11.6mg/L (87% reduction)
Long Term Care Facility, Corner Brook, NL, Canada 2009 Institution/Hospital LEED Certified Project 2,750 m2 Removal of Very High CBOD levels to 10 mg/l Parallel and or series design of two (2) horizontal beds, to allow for max flow or max treatment options
Appleton & Glenwood, Canada 2006 Municipal Sewage, town of 1,800 PE 12,400 m2 Flow 3,500 m3/day, BOD, COD, Ammonia, & Pathogens reduction BOD 160 mg/L reduced to < 10 mg/l TSS  200 mg/l reduced to < 6 mg/l
Visitor Centre 2004 Sewage 30 m2 Sewage Interpretation display system
Circle Square Kids Camp 2003 Sewage 600 m2 Sewage from camp for 400 kids Treatment for expansion of remote camp
Pilot Municipal Sewage Treatment Project, Marystown, NL, Canada 2001 Sewage 640 m2 Effluent undergoes biological treatment in the wetlands